Massive data breaches are on the rise, and they are targeting a variety of different industries. Even the field of music is not free from these attacks, as loyal users of the streaming service giant Spotify recently reported being kicked out of their own accounts beginning in late April 2016, according to a recent report by Sarah Perez of TechCrunch.
What does this mean for your business? Though you may not be working in the same industry as this unfortunate company, cyber hackers have been targeting enterprises spread across different industries. Some of the top verticals that tend to be compromised are those in the field of healthcare as well as those of education, government, and retail services.Regardless of what industry you’re in, the sooner you start investing in better cloud security, the better. Here are some tips on how to prevent data breaches from reaching your servers:
Educate Your Employees, or Get Experts in the Field
While we cannot blame companies for picking those with more years of experience under their belt over those who have just recently graduated from college, some enterprise owners might be missing out on young talent that have become more attuned to the needs of today’s digital world compared to those who have grown accustomed to the outdated ways of the old. According to an article on Wired, you could explore establishing a relationship between your company and reputable universities in order to work together on cultivating new experts on security issues. You can even invest some time and money into giving your current employees additional training so that they can stay up-to-date on the latest trends and adapt their strategies accordingly.
Use More than One Method of Protection
Imagine a gate that has only be secured with a single lock. It may be a complicated device, but the moment a trespasser manages to crack the code, your entire residence becomes exposed to the outside world. In the same manner, using only one way to protect your sensitive data is not enough to ensure that no external entry occurs. You must make sure that the cloud security solution you have decided to go with has implemented as many safety measures as possible, including but not limited to data encryption and two-factor authentication processes.
One App Could be the Key to Crack Everything
Due to the interlinked nature of several apps and websites in today’s age, it is also important that every business owner knows how to protect their sensitive information. With that in mind, make sure to reach out to any enterprise partners you have made collaborative commercial efforts with and remind them to keep everything up to date so as both of your companies will be safe from breaches.
When it comes to sensitive information, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. With all of these combined efforts, many in the business sector will be able to fight off and hopefully eradicate every possibility of data breaches for the foreseeable future.