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Smartphone Apps for Microsoft SharePoint


Microsoft, which is considered to be one of the biggest tech companies in the world. It has recently decided to launch mobile apps through SharePoint. Around the world, there is some kind of update happening, in almost every nook and corner. The existence would look completely different if there weren’t any kind of updates happening.

Presently, everything seems to be technology oriented and it is predicted that this how it is going to be like in the future as well. The big tech companies have created new technologies, software and services to serve people better. Microsoft, which is considered to be one of the biggest tech companies in the world. It has recently decided to launch mobile apps through SharePoint, it was a collaboration made, which is browser based document sharing platform.

Their collaboration with SharePoint has now taken a step forward with new updates. They are planning to launch mobile apps as an important merger with the OneDrive of Microsoft. There is much different integration which has been introduced in the SharePoint platform. The OneDrive syncing and sharing service has recently launched another service for application integration in a flow.

Mobile & Cloud Computing

SharePoint is presently focusing on creating the mobile apps, based on the mobile first cloud first concept. It is a known fact that the future of storage of files and sharing files is predominantly going to be through the cloud storage alone. Presently, there are around 190 million active users are using the apps like DropBox, Box, Google Drive for sharing and syncing of files and folders.

It is important for Microsoft to be able to provide the mobile apps in a more interesting and exciting ways as well. Their contenders are making efforts to provide the best of services to the people and make them feel better. The corporate companies will be able to share their files and sync them through their mobile using the local network available on their premises. They can now switch from their desktops and now start using the mobile apps.

OneDrive becomes effective

OneDrive is considered to be one of the most effective software from Microsoft. It has many features and we can perform everything related to documents, excels sheets, presentations and almost everything using OneDrive. In simple words, it is a one stop solution for all the needs in creating documents or auditing sheets. SharePoint has made OneDrive effective by taking it to the online platform.

The OneDrive has a new feature which is the Discover option available on the app. This particular feature is yet to be published in the app, which will allow us to access the content which is relevant. It has been used to improve and improvise the presentation elements of the OneDrive through the SharePoint as well. The modifications and improvisations which have been made in the app will improve the efficiency and productivity of the users.

In the age of Mobile Apps

There are millions and millions of users in this world, who are using SharePoint on a regular basis, as it helps them to share and sync files easily with the restricted network as well. But, it is yet to be made available for the people, who prefer using their smartphones. Microsoft is planning to design and develop mobile apps for SharePoint for all the different operating systems.

Unfortunately, presently the users need to use a particular browser to be able to use SharePoint for file sharing and syncing within a network. Recently the officials at Microsoft have announced that they will be launching mobile apps to be able to use SharePoint for Android, iOS, and Windows as well. This is going to be a great breakthrough and a big success amongst the people.

An insight of the SharePoint App

The developers have already shared a few details regarding, what are the elements the app would be having in it. For example, there will be links, sites, people and search tabs on the app, to make the work less cumbersome. Once the app is launched and available for the users to use, then there will be no requirement to have an access to the browser.

SharePoint app will be designed in such a way that, the users will be able to use the app, just the way they are using it on their browsers. It would have an interesting interface and navigation sections, that the work will be seamless for the users. With the help of the app, they will be able to finish their tasks on the go and save a lot of time as well.

Tech gigs have just started to develop and design the app and it is expected to be released soon. In the later versions of the app, there will be a lot more elements added to it and it is going to get better. The mobile apps are a new step towards modernizing the way SharePoint is presently available to its users.

SharePoint App

Recently in the last quarter of the year 2016, the app was finally launched the beta version on the Google Play Store. Don’t need to wait to reach to work, to be able to access the restricted network access of the company. It is available right on the wonderful small gadget in our hands. Everyone is glad about this new app for SharePoint, as it was a bit tedious to access a browser to be able to share and sync files related to work.

Now, we have the option to accomplish our work and tasks on the go and improve our productivity as well. There are many different features available for us to use with this one app and it is really pretty amazing to use and helps the working professionals in many different ways as well. We manage different sites, integrate office 365, merge features with the team members and do a lot of other things related to work as well.

Unfortunately, this is available only if the firm or the educational institution has a subscription for Office 365. It should have the access to SharePoint through online as in the browser as well. If we think to download the app and try it out, we need to be sure with the fact; that the app which we will be trying out would be a beta one and then try it out. The version which is available is in the beta stages, it might have bugs and few missing features as well.

Final Thoughts

The world is fast moving and people expect the things to be even better and faster. They are trying to keep pace with the world and the fast moving trends. Technology has been a great impact on the mankind and it has become an important factor for all the industries to use it in some or the other way. The Internet is another one thing which is presently ruling the world. It has been helping the billions of the people in the world to perform better and give their best in their respective jobs.

The organization, always expect their employees to give their best at their work and they need productivity. Only if the employees of an organization are able to perform better and finish their respective tasks on time, the firm will reach new heights and make a big success in its endeavor.

SharePoint app is going to be a great boon to the organizations and the employees in it. We will be able to easily share our files and folders through the restricted network of the organization and make sure that, we are completing our task. Folks, go ahead and start improving your productivity at work with this wonderful, genius app.

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